Children lessons

Is the skiing-pass included in the skiing-course?

No. The skiing-passes have to be bought at the counter of the cable-cab. Please note that children up to 6 six years do not need any separate passes. All the tariffs you can find on the following website: https://www.skiwelt.at.

Do you offer half-day-courses as well?

We do offer half-day-courses, but only for 3 year old children (called „Bambinikurs“), for cross-country skiing-courses and of course for private courses. All other courses are held units of four hours (2 h in the morning and another 2 h in the afternoon)!

Is it possible that our children are all in the same group?

The group-classification of the children is primarily determined by their skiing skills and the age. So in the case that your kids or your friend’s kids are at the same level, concerning their skiing skills, please tell us your wish immediately at the first day and we will do our best to fulfil your exigencies. In the case that one of your kids is skiing better than the other but you still want them to be in the same group, you have to accept the fact that the better skiing kid will have to consider the weaker one.

Are there any difficulties in time if the children and the parents are attending a skiing course?

No, the classification is very well managed. When the lessons of the kids are over, they are looked after until the parents can pick them up.

Do I get my money back if the kids don’t like it?

Generally a refund of the money can only occur if you can show a medical attest in case of a disease or an injury. But as for us the children’s welfare is of uppermost importance, you only have to pay the essentially consumed lessons.

Is there a possibility of booking the lunchtime-supervision for particular days?

Yes, of course. Please buy the lunch service directly at the instructor of your children.

At which age can the children start attending the courses?

Children of four years and older can start attending the courses (full-time course). But we offer a special course, called Bambinikurs, for the younger kids as well. This course is for 3 - 4 year-olds and is held only half the day with afternoon care (playing). For snowboarding courses we recommend you a starting age of 8.

Group lessons

Do the beginners also have to buy a skiing pass?

Yes, everybody needs a skiing pass for the use of the lifts. Beginners should buy a one-day-ticket for the first day and talk to their skiing instructor after the lessons about the various ticket possibilities for the rest of the week.

Do we have to attend the whole 5-days-course or is there also a possibility of fewer days?

Our programme for groups is specially designed for one week and contains lots of great aspects and a final race at the end of the week. That’s why it’s really meaningful booking the whole course. But of course it is also possible attending the course only for a few days.

How occurs the classification of the groups?

At the first day you have to prove your skiing skills by a short race of a little hill. Then our skiing instructors will decide which group you belong to.

When I don’t like the course can I change to a different one? Eg: from snowboard to ski?

Of course you can switch the course if you are not happy with the chosen one. But please inform our office about the change, so we can book a different course.

Can I still start attending the course in the middle of the week?

Generally the group divisions are held Sundays and Mondays. But advanced skiers can also join the groups during the week. Please note that we have additional courses for snowboard-starters which are also beginning Wednesdays.

Is it possible to book a group course with a certain skiing instructor?

Basically this possibility is given, but we ask you to inform us about your wish as soon as possible by phone or e-mail. We will of course do our best to consider your preference, but cannot guarantee when it comes to group courses.

Why aren’t there any half-day-courses offered?

Once there was the option of a half-day-course, but as the experience has shown it wasn’t half-way that successful for the pupils as the whole-day-courses are.

Is there a need of a prereservation for the group-courses?

Normally the group-courses are quite flexible and offer plenty of places. However we recommend you an online registration on our website, which enables a quicker application in our office.

Do the skiing course’s days have to be necessarily attended one after another?

You should attend the course one day after another, as the group is moving further with the programme. They learn something new every day and are getting better. So if you let a day out, you may change the group. But it will be the best, if you talk to your skiing instructor about this request.

Other questions

Is there any ski rental at your skiing school or are you working together with sports outfitters?

In Hopfgarten, there are plenty of very good and professional sports outfitters and we collaborate with them very well indeed. But unfortunately there aren't any extra conditions for skiing guests. All the adresses of ski rentals you can find on the following websites: KURZ Ski - Snowboard and Intersport Oberhauser.

Do you also employ Dutch skiing instructors?

In fact we do have Dutch, but also Austrian skiing instructors that speak a little bit Dutch. Please note, that we can not promise, that you will get a Dutch skiing instructor.

Can I also pay by creditcard?

Yes, we accept Visa, Mastercard, cash cards and payments in cash.


Ski School Alpine - SkiWelt - Hopfgarten im Brixental / Itter


Ski School Alpine - SkiWelt - Hopfgarten im Brixental / Itter

FAQ to the Ski School Alpine.

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Snow Report

Lesson Times

Ski children - Bambini's for 3 year olds & children from 4 years

Ski course timetable daily from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Group courses from Sunday to Tuesday.

Ski course registration:

All ski courses and lessons can be booked at the Skischule Alpine office which is located in the lift station.

Meeting point:

The meeting point for your child's ski course is at the Alpinos Kinderland on the children's ski slope at 9:30 am, daily.

Course end meeting point:

Your child's ski course will either finish at the middle station or in Alpinos Kinderland located on the children's ski slope.

Ski adults from 16 years

Group lessons take place from Sunday to Thursday.

Group lessons for beginners are only possible on Sunday and Monday!

The school hours are 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Meeting point:

Meeting at 9:30 am at the meeting place of the Ski School Alpine.

Minimum participants: 5 per group

Snowboard from 8 years

Snowboard lessons start on Sunday and Monday for beginners.

Depending on the number and level of participants, the classes are 10:00 am to 12:00 pm or 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm.

Meeting point:

Meeting point at 9:30 am in front of the ski rental KURZ.

Minimum participants: 5 per group